Darth Vader Coffee Slot Machine

  1. Darth Vader Mug
  2. Darth Vader Comics

(The other one—Darth Vader—is behind the jump.) They just look like normal coffee machines with Star Wars logos on them to me. At least tell me the Darth Vader one does Vader breathing noises. Slugthrowers, also referred to as firearms, were any projectile weapon that fired solid projectiles (known as slugs), as opposed to the energy bolts of a blaster.1 Slugs could be fired by weapons such as the scatter gun, or the Cycler rifle2 which was sometimes used by the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine.34 The inhabitants of Carnelion IV, the Open and Closed, used a variety of slugthrower weapons. Best bean-to-cup coffee machines for coffee lovers. A figurine of Darth Vader has appeared on the empty Edward Colston plinth in Bristol city centre in an apparent tribute to actor Dave Prowse.

Franchises create merchandise, which create money, which create more merchandising because the people upstairs want more money. George Lucas has squeezed his Star Wars saga for every dollar it can create through every possible medium so far – Film, TV, video games and on to toys, bed sheets, clothes and pretty much anything you can think of.


Darth Vader products are especially popular. Villains turned good guys always make for popular characters with audiences, and Darth Vader has transcended way beyond popular a long long time ago. Steampunk Vader, a Darth Vader hair dryer, alarm clocks and gas masks.

Darth Vader Mug

Darth Vader Coffee Slot Machine

The Coffee Maker market has also been reached, with quite a few people around the world getting their morning cup of java while looking at greatest fictional character of all time. Still, this product could be even better.

Darth Vader Comics

David Wade Evans over the morbidholiday.com had a brilliant idea on how to make his coffee experience much better – by adding the famous Darth Vader noises, meaning heavy filtered breathing, to the morning routine of the timer-set coffee machine.

I’m pretty sure that the first one to pick up the gauntlet and add this feature to the next line of Darth Vader coffee makers will die a rich and happy man.